
Lifelines is a not-for-profit biobank; only the cost price of release and linking materials will be charged.


Lifelines gives you easy access to data and samples for your research. Lifelines is a not-for-profit biobank; for researchers of scientific and educational institutes only the cost price of release and linking materials will be charged. This means you do not pay for the infrastructure. This makes Lifelines less expensive than having to collect your own data and/or biological samples.

The costs explained below are valid for scientific and educational institutes only. Researchers from other organisations can contact us. We will make a custom quotation based on your request.

Indication of the costs

Costs may vary depending on the type of applications. Below is an indication of different types of application and the related costs. Prices of data vary between researchers of UMCG/RUG and researchers of other institutes. This is because the University Medical Center of Groningen and the University of Groningen as shareholders also provide in the finance for the infrastructure of Lifelines.

More information

Please contact Lifelines if you have any questions on specific costs. Lifelines will list the actual costs in the offer to be drawn up in consultation with the researcher.